Our Services

Our sectors of management includes

Value Chain Management

In a more friendly manner, we work alongside with startups from the creation, all through to the distribution of products or services; inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, human resourcing, technology, procurement. Additionally, to systematically examine where value can be added to the product or service.

Human Resource Development

In order for startups to improve their effectiveness, teams must be groomed to fully understand their purpose at their work place. Zayin Zeta interest of grooming includes blue collar employees; providing opportunities to learn new skills, distributing resources that are beneficial for the employee’s tasks and any other developmental activities.

Facility management

We are dedicated to supporting startups to acquire properties on budget and to also meet their needs. We ensure the property’s functionality, comfort and sustainability aiming to improve the quality of productivity and the people. We also seek for the improvement of the building operations, which include security, cleaning, refurbishment and business continuity.

Management consulting

Our business skills are provided for the objective advice and expertise, that can help startups to obtain the proper grounding in their competitive area and also to develop any specialist skills that may be lacking.

Project management

Zayin Zeta widely embraces and manage projects for clients who may not be available at the project site for a period of time, and to create value for such products and services with variety of roles in a vast range of endeavors.

Small businesses

Zayin Zeta’s capacity to create small businesses which are viable cuts across all sectors of services. This is to give opportunities to startups or individuals who are struggling in their initial stage of their creative ideas.

Product development

We get involved in bringing a product from a concept or idea and its journey to the market. Considering its market need, market opportunity, how the product can serve a purpose, validation, roadmap, market test around price sensitivity and packaging.

Knowledge management

The knowledge accumulated and stored are shared and made available to our clients in an efficient manner and at the right time and place to boost their efficiency in decision-making.


We have existing partners (both locally and internationally) between different economic sectors, who are willing to trade locally in diverse area of recommendation.


We facilitate the process of imagining and planning the creation of systems or products to serve as a solution to the need.