Zayin Zeta
Venture Capital Fund.

Forging a path to the future designed to balance the wealth gap through equity and ownership

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About Us

Zayin Zeta has a goal for venture capital firm to invest in 700 underserved entrepreneurs over the next 10 years. We actively champion products and services that drives financial inclusion and look to data driven decision making to help entrepreneurs and SMMEs access the finance they need to start and sustain their business.

We find it more interesting with entrepreneurs or small businesses looking to become competitive and provide a platform where entrepreneurs and small businesses can create an enabling environment that will benefit each other.

Investing in Technical and Managerial expertise in these areas;


Zayinzeta acknowledges agriculture and nutrients rich crops as the bedrock of food and nutrition security in Africa. We dive to make agriculture much lucrative to promote youth engagement and employment and to encourage the working group into agriculture and food system.

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Artificial Intelligence

We seek to combine hardware, software, tools, and strategic partners to accelerate the development of AI to combat social and economic challenges aiming to create an AI ecosystem.

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Consumer economy is driven by marketing - promoting goods and services and targeting consumers most likely to become buyers. Zayin Zeta invests in individuals with successful marketing strategies to hit higher sales that can translate into expansion and job creation.

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Human Resources

Zayin Zeta believes in the contribution HR gives to the society. HR plays a key role in activities benefiting the society, including community mentoring, charity drives, clean up campaign and many more. We invest in such great ideas to function.

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Manufacturing contributes to higher productivity and rise living standards. It has a larger part of responsibility to the local community by maintaining a high quality local skill base, local and regional suppliers of materials and services, and promotes training opportunities. Zayin Zeta invest in these areas by providing expertise to offer existing and potential clients.

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Service Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs act as the wheels of economic growth by leading the way, and finding innovative solutions to practical and social issues. By creating new products and services, they stimulate new employment, which ultimately results in the acceleration of economic development. We seek to invest in compelling, creative forward thinkers who focus on great deals more than their bottom line.

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In combination, our focal point is to create an enabling platform for productive engagement between SME’s and potential investors coated with programs and activities which best interests like- minded individuals. We believe that when human perceptions are understood properly, services provided can best serve their needs while it increases Return On Investment.

Social Venture Capital

Zayin Zeta forms a business relationship with startups and work with them as they grow.

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Human capital is more important to startups. Zayin Zeta helps develop human capital as a key to ending extreme unemployment and creating more inclusive societies.

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Events: WTCA General Assembly(2023)

The World Trade General Assembly is an unparalleled opportunity to connect with the most influential stakeholders in international trade and investment.

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Busines Tourism

Zayin Zeta organizes a business tourism for foreign investors as a chance to learn more about the city’s investment climate from the city and regional officials, investment promotion specialists and businesses currently operating in the area.

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Zayin Zeta eMagazines seeks to provide its readers targeted information and news for entrepreneurs and investors offering an enhanced brand advertising experience to investable industries in Africa to reach readers beyond regional boundaries.

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Nostalgia Trade

Zayin Zeta embraces new businesses with connections in different market to open up export opportunities for nostalgia trading.

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Diaspora Engagement

The vital role diaspora plays in the development of their respective countries of origin by fostering investments, Zayin Zeta has initiated numerous investment opportunities for minimal investors of the diaspora community through tourism, trade and knowledge transfers and to have other benefits beyond injecting new capital.

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Training Programs

Zayin Zeta help new entrepreneurs gather business expertise which is a significant experience to help the owners in decision making, especially human resource and financial management through our structured training services.

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